Thursday, December 31, 2009

Resolutions For 2010 and 2009 Recap

These are my goals for 2010. They're all important, otherwise they wouldn't have made the list, but some are more important than others. I need to be healthier and stronger and to encourage that in others (like Oliver).

I also need to do more things for me and a lot of these go along with that idea. I spend a lot of time trying to make sure everyone else's lives are running smoothly and I think I will happier and healthier person if I allow myself to do things I enjoy more often.

2009 Recap

In my livejournal every year, I do a recap on 12/31, and this year, I thought I'd post it here.

1. Where did you begin 2009? Babysitting in Hermosa Beach; Adam was there and we were able to see the beach fireworks from the balcony.

2. What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before? Went to therapy.

3. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn't make any last year, but as you can see, I made some for next year!

4. Were you in school (anytime this year)? Yes.

5. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes! Toni, Megan and Christine all had baby boys!

6. Any new additions to your family? No.

7. Did anyone close to you die? No.

8. Did you know anybody who got married? No, but Lindsay &Kyle and Hammad & Saba got engaged.

9. What countries did you visit? No new countries, but I visited new Hawaiian islands!

10. How did you earn your money? Working for the man, i.e. my dad. Also, babysitting. I would say through my etsy shop, but I don't think I make a profit.

11. Where did most of your money go? Clothes, food, books.

12. Did you have any encounters with the police? Nope.

13. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009? Peace of mind, lack of debt, and more time.

14. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Hmmm, not really sure.

15. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Learning to think before I speak.

16. What was your biggest failure? My fighting with Jon.

17. Did you suffer illness or injury? Other than some sniffles, nope.

18. Where did you go on holidays/vacation? I went to Hawaii in April, Ojai, CA in June and Julian, CA in November.

19. What was the best thing you bought? I think I bought my blackberry curve this year, so definitely that.

20. Whose behavior merited celebration? Oliver.

21. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Erica, my dad, Jonathan.

22. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Card-making, my first craft fair, etsy, going on weekend trips.

23. Did you move anywhere? Nope.

24. Where do you live now? With Jonathan and Oliver in a condo.

25. What song will always remind you of 2009? Help I'm Alive by Metric.

26. Compared to this time last year, are you:

A. Happier or sadder? This is hard. I think the truth is sadder, but that comes from being more aware, which will probably lead to a truer happiness.

B. Thinner or fatter? Definitely not thinner.

C. Richer or poorer? Poorer.

27. What do you wish you'd done more of? Gymming, traveling. Doing things that I like to do.

28. What do you wish you'd done less of? Trying to control everything, worrying about other people, doing what other people want.

29. How will you be spending Christmas? Christmas is done. Spent it with family and friends.

30. What do you want for Christmas? I wanted a fancy watch and a fancy pillow and an e-reader. Go here to see what I got!

31. Where are you spending New Year's? and with who? Dinner with the boyfriend, then beachy fireworks.

32. Did you fall in love in 2009? I stayed in love. Can't say that happens every year.

33. How many one-night stands? None.

34. What was your favorite TV program? True Blood, NCIS.

35. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? I stopped being friends with someone over something stupid and I don't think as highly of her any longer; but no, no hate.

36. What was the best book you read? The Sookie Stackhouse books

37. What was your greatest musical discovery? The Glee Soundtrack

38. What did you want and get? A blog.

39. What was your favorite film of this year? Trucker, mentioned here.

40. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 24 and I celebrated at The Melting Pot with my friends.

41. What would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Finding less family skeletons, fighting less with Jon.

42. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009? Jeans, sweaters, denim skirts. I've been a blond for most of this year. And my Crocs Santa Cruz Slip-ons, mentioned here.

43. What kept you sane? Books, blogging, card-making, texting.

44. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? John Krasinski.

45. What concerts/shows did you go to? Toby Keith, The Get Up Kids.

46. Did you see any live sporting events? I went to a Kings game.

47. What political issue stirred you the most? UGH, SARAH PALIN.

48. What has been your favorite moment? The quiet ones spent with my mew.

49. What was your best month? June.

50. Who was the best new person you met? Erica.

51. Who has been your best drinking buddy? I don't think I drank at all this year.

52. Who did you miss? Amy, Natalie, Toni.

53. Favorite night out? No idea. Maybe

54. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009: Your origin family sets up your worldview, so try not to mess up your kids too badly.

55. What's something you learned about yourself? I am important.

56. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:

"Something has changed within me
Something is not the same

I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game."

-from Wicked
Have a safe and happy New Year!
{And don't forget about the giveaway!}

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy is the New Black Giveaway!

***Now closed, see winners here.***

EDIT: This giveaway has been extended to January 13th!

It's giveaway time again! I'd like to offer two lucky readers the chance to win a set of 5 of my Happy is the New Black cards in any colors they choose.

It's easy to enter, just make sure you're a follower and leave a comment saying anything you like (preferably something nice)!

You can gain additional entries by doing the following:

*blogging about this giveaway or these cards on your own blog*
*becoming a facebook fan (ok if you already are)*
*tweeting about this giveaway (please mention @ichbinseins)*

Please leave a comment for each additional entry. Worldwide shipping included in prize.

Giveaway will close on January 13th at 11:59 pm PST.

And don't forget, Happy is the New Black!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Doodle Tuesday

{a doodle by my lovely friend Amy.
sometime in high school.}

Recap To End All Recaps!

Ohmigosh. What a long posting break. I'm a bad blog owner, but you have to forgive me because it's the holidays and because I am apologizing by having a giveaway! More details on that later; for now, here's what's been happening.

Last Tuesday, my dad had a cardiac catheterization. They found out that one of the three main arteries to his heart was 80% blocked, so they put in a stent to keep it clear. He came home from the hospital on Wednesday morning and Wednesday and Thursday were looooong days of catch-up at work.

Since it's been so long, this could be a really long, detailed post, so I'll keep it to the main points.
Thursday evening: I had a gift exchange with Jon, Mike and Sarah at Mike and Sarah's house and we had tons of fun. Jon and I played Super Mario on their Wii all afternoon and Sarah made plum chicken in the slow cooker. Mike and Jon have a history of wrapping things in ridiculously complicated ways (one year, Mike used an entire roll of duct tape). Jon and I have Mike and Sarah gag gifts (Snuggies) but they ended up liking them a lot!

{our present to Mike - we used almost a whole roll of
painter's tape, 3 paper bags, 1 plastic bag, and wrapping paper}

{snuggies were a big hit!}

{our present to jon required wire cutters to open!}

{mike likes christmas! :) and tennis.}

Friday: Christmas morning with immediate family, then movies with Dad and sister (saw It's Complicated, review here). Home for a bit, then dinner at my parent's house.

Saturday: Jon and I went to South Coast Plaza to hit the Christmas sales. He got underwear, I got paper. Not an entirely successful operation. Then we came home and napped before Jon's dad came over to get help setting up his (point and shoot :)) camera.

Sunday: Early wakeup, head to Laguna Beach at 8 am to videotape (me) and photograph (Jon) our friend's proposal. It was super sweet. :) We all had brunch, then took engagement shots by the water. Home to nap and then to Samy's Camera to find a filter and diffuser Jon wanted, followed by dinner with my family.

Monday: After work, I went to Mike and Sarah's house and we had a lovely dinner of spaghetti, breadsticks, green beans, apple juice and a raspberry tart, all from Trader Joe's. They gave me instructions on how to feed her nano-tanks and kitty while they're gone (in Hawaii, those bastards!) and I met Sarah's sister who is moving from New York to Southern California. And by is moving, I mean, she arrived yesterday, then goes to Hawaii for the family vacation, and will then live in their house. It will be interesting having a new person around all the time; we're pretty close-knit and insular, but she seems nice (and she cooks!). :) After dinner, I went home and made a TON of new eensy-weensy cards. Hopefully, pictures and posting will happen tonight.

Tuesday: That's today! So far, I am at work. Tonight, I will probably go to dinner with my parents and then work on more cards and posting. My shop has been neglected for too long!

It has been a busy, busy time and to be honest, not necessarily a super joyful one. The past 2 weeks have been stressful and full of disappointments and revelations and many moments where I thought, "So, this is what being a grown-up is like." My hope is that things will look brighter soon!

On Wednesday, at 8am, I will be posting info on my new giveaway, please come back and check it out!

On Thursday, I'm posting a year-end recap and listing my resolutions (so you can help me keep them!).

Monday, December 28, 2009

My Dad's Movie Review Blog

My dad has recently discovered the joy of blogging and wants me to help him increase his readership. :) He sees 3-5 movies a week and has decided to review all of them. He sees most mainstream movies, except for ones with aliens or zombies, and a lot of strange indy films (I guess aliens and zombies are okay, there).

He goes into each movie with an open mind and has been pleasantly surprised by movies that have been panned by critics as well as disappointed by movies that were recommended by critics.

If you're looking to see a movie, I can almost guarantee you that he's almost seen it. :) So, check out his blog for some help choosing your next date night movie!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

True Blood

{Ryan Kwanten, Alexander Skarsgard and Sam Trammell,
aka Jason, Eric and Sam from True Blood}

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Words To Live By

Doodle Tuesday

{hopefully, this doesn't offend any of you.
my friend holly drew it for me in high school.
2001. i thought it was so clever.
this week, it's kind of fitting.}


{me, my dad and my sister at hoover dam on a similiarly windy day circa 1999}

Yesterday afternoon, around the time we were expecting the news that my dad was ready to be discharged, we instead found out that the doctors wanted to do further testing. They kept him overnight again last night and scheduled a cardiac catheterization for today. Basically, it's a diagnostic procedure that, depending on what they find, could turn into a interventional procedure.

Yesterday was a hectic day filled with uncertainty about whether my dad was coming home or even okay as well as trying to make sure the company doesn't fall apart while he's gone.

Today, I am going down to the hospital once I find out when his procedure begins to say I love you and see you in a few hours. Then, I'm supposed to go home and work while waiting and wondering.


It's really windy here today. Every few minutes, there's a big WHOOOSH and a gust of wind. It even whistles through the trees. My dad loves days like this. That has to be a sign, right? Look at me, trying to find special meaning in everyday occurrences. Maybe the saying should be, "There are no atheists in waiting rooms."
But what else can I do? He's my only daddy.

Monday, December 21, 2009

It's Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve!

{learn how to make your own felted wool wreath here}

Merry almost Christmas!

Happy Is The New Black!

A few days ago, my lovely friend Amy said, "Happy is the new black." I loved it, and immediately started working on a card. Here is the finished product! There will be prints soon as well. :)

You can choose any four colors you'd like or I can randomly select them for you. They'll be mailed right away, safe and secure, to arrive shortly after Christmas!

I'm offering FREE SHIPPING on these (US & Canada) through 12/23 11:59 pm PST. Just mention that you saw this deal on my blog!

I Love Sushi!

I do, I really, really do. I didn't try it until I was in college and I was so scared to do so. But my lovely pal Robert told me to start with salmon because it was the easiest taste and texture to get used to. He was right, and with my new-found confidence I tried more and more and now I know that I still love salmon sushi, as well as crunch rolls, philadelphia rolls and I could basically live on california rolls.

Not only is sushi delicious, but it's always arranged so artfully and is lovely to look at. Must be why I like these pieces so much!

{i love sushi notecards  and stickers from digicute - $2}

{sushi candles from crafty college girls - $6.50}

{sushi stocking from nicole steward - $24 (free shipping!)}

{sushi pendant from martial arts - $9.50}

{sushi mobile from beesters - $125}

{california roll keychain from beladonna - $5.50}

{wasabi and ginger plushies from cornstarch - $18.99}

{sushi stud earrings from poison and antidote - $7}

No Words Necessary

{gorgeous cupcakes from milk + honey cafe}

Chocolate Cures All

{now, that might have made my yesterday a little bit better :)
from epicute via weheartit}

My Saturday was lovely, with a late breakfast, a relaxing pedicure, and an evening of babysitting. Sunday, I had planned on writing tons of great posts, some to publish, some to save, all full of colorful photographs and funny stories and great finds. But things never go quite as planned, do they?

On Sunday morning, my dad slipped off to the doctor (without telling anyone) because he was having chest pressure and couldn't stop coughing. On his way home from the doctor, he called my mom and asked her to drive him to the hospital per doctor's orders. They spent all day there, having tests done, waiting, watching emergency room brawls, and waiting some more. I went to see him at about 7pm and they had just been told he was going to be admitted, but there were no rooms available then.

When I walked in to see him, I was surprised by how old he looked. Yes, he looked a little pale, tired, and the oxygen tubes and flourescent lighting make everyone look wan, but there was something else. Suddenly, I saw him as an old man, as someone old enough to possibly have a heart attack, as someone who could die. It was like a punch in the gut and I had to take a deep breath to make sure I didn't cry.

We don't know anything definitively right now, but it looks like he'll be fine. Actually, I'm only saying that because it doesn't look like he won't be fine, so this is the alternative. Posting may be light today and tomorrow, or maybe it will be heavy since I need to distract myself from my overactive imagination.

Hope you all had more relaxing Sundays than I did!

Friday, December 18, 2009

General Craftiness

So, I've been in a crafty mood lately. Maybe I'm feeling the holiday spirit, maybe I'm enjoying time off from school, maybe I'm just embracing my inner crafter. Whatever the reason, here's what I've been up to.

Christmas & Holiday Cards

{one (of four) batches of christmas and holiday cards i made this year.
the last picture are my faves from this batch.}

Christmas Tree and Lights

{before: naked tree. after: completed tree (in the dark).
our tree really is lovely; as we were carrying it to the car,
people commented on how perfectly christmas tree-ish it was.}

{all ornaments from Target}

{our patio decorations. there's my goose family! i might add some poinsettias this weekend.}

Snowman Army

this was the inspiration. this is the result:

{snowman soldier}

{snowman general}

{battle formation!}

{left, right, left, right}

{snowman army with the general at the front}

{defend the castle!}

{i will protect you with my swirly ribbon!}

{we may have lost a few comrades, but victory is ours!}


Finger-Knitted Garlands

i found a tutorial for these, mentioned here, a few days ago and have been obsessed since then.
these are only a few, i have 5 or so more that i didn't photograph yet.

i was at lunch yesterday, making one of these garlands, and i was approached about teaching a little class on them at a local church retreat in January!

{on my parent's mantle}

{on ruby. doesn't it make a sweet kitty blanket?}

{on the kitchen cabinets}

{in my sister's room}

{on my head as a headband - please ignore my not-so-blond roots}

{more that I made last night. i like the ones with chunky wool better, but the chain effect is more noticeable on thinner yarns (bottom).}

Random, Not-Really-Craftiness

{this is a small display in one corner of my parent's living room.
i don't know why i like it so much. but i do!}

How have you been crafting lately?
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