Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy Saturday!

Today was a super lovely day!

My mom and I went to a $1 sale at my local scrapbooking store, A to Z Scrapbooking. They had all kinds of items with values of up to $10 marked down for $1, 2 for $1, 3 for $1, etc. On the way home, we stopped at Big Lots because I mentioned that I hadn't been in there for years and she said it was probably better than I remembered it. I was pleasantly surprised to find a nice-sized crafty section - with real brands like K & Company, Jolee's, and Martha Stewart. We also wandered through the holiday sections looking for ways to decorate my booth at the El Segundo Holiday Craft Boutique next Thursday. I'm okay with garlands, but they didn't have any that were cheap enough and looked okay, so I picked up some glittery pine boughs and decided I'd put them in a vase with pinecones.

We turned a corner and found the lighted outdoor decor section - something my mom had been trying to find all last week. I fell in love with a lighted duck family set (although they look more like geese), so tomorrow I'll be setting that up and taking pictures! We decided that my mom should get these ($20!!!) figurines that look like they're made of melting ice. She also bought a deer, but they don't have it on the website.

After Big Lots, my mom and I picked up Jon and went to breakfast where he glowered, I antagonized, and she giggled at our pseudo-married antics. Then Jon and I headed off on our day's adventures. First up: FedEx to pick up a package! After following really complicated instructions and arrows to get inside, they told us they were closed... Onto Craft Riot, a craft fair in West Hollywood. That was a lot of fun; Jon got a free pin that says "Real men knit." I got my mom a present (which I can't show you yet because she reads this!) and Jon bought Larissa a pretty cute mousepad.

We spent about an hour there and then we struck out in search of food. We used the handy-dandy Yelp app for Blackberry and found a pizza place nearby. It was okay, though kind of greasy, and probably not worthy of the 4+ stars on Yelp.

When we got home, we decided it was definitely time to go through Jon's paperwork, throw away/shred old statements/bills and find important documents like, oh, the DEED, his birth certificate, social security card and passport. We've had a safe deposit box for this reason for about a year, but so far only the title to my car and my advanced directive is in there.

And then, I babysat for 3 hours. Jack was really hyper and when I said, "Good night" and started to walk out of his room, he told me this long rambling story about a sleepover he went to where the boys made up, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let Herschel Walker bite!" For those of you who aren't associated with 6 year old UGA fans, Herschel Walker won one of the two Heismann trophies awarded to UGA players.

Now, I am home and ready to watch True Blood with Adam. I hope you all had days just as sweet as mine! Another Book Review, Polaroid Sunday and Christmas post coming up tomorrow!


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